Todorov’s narrative theory basically states that most story’s
or plots follow the same pattern and that there are 5 steps in this:
- Equilibrium- where the story displays a happy start, where majority characters and everything is as it should be
- Disruption- feature a problem or something that will disrupt the happiness
- Realisation- part of the plot where everyone realises that there is a problem and that it is chaos
- Restored order- part of the plot when the characters attempt to repair the damage and restore the problem
- Equilibrium again- where the problem is resolved and normality can resume again
Todorov’s and Propps theories apply to most films and
Propps narrative structure:
- Preparation- community ordered state of being
- Complication- villain harms member of hero’s family
- Transference- hero given magical gift or hero goes to fulfil his quest
- Struggle- between hero and villain
- Return- hero escapes or task set for hero or hero fulfils the task
- Recognition- hero is rewarded
Add some pictures and a film as an example for each theory as well as including the first names of the theorists.....and remember my name this time.
ReplyDeleteI agree some images are needed however i disagree about the second part Adam has said. This blog helps me understand the content, thank you.